Thursday, January 4, 2018

Common Controls Power and Output Configurations in Building Automation Systems

When first introduced, industrial automated systems required special configurations for power and output. That meant that a specialist had to come up with innovative solutions. Today, things have changed dramatically. The systems available today, including wind monitoring instruments, a wind speed and direction sensor, rainfall gauge, and more use standard configurations for both power and output.

Because superior automated systems rely on standard power and output configurations, you can choose whatever solution you want and have it operational in no time. When discussing your needs with an expert, these settings are important since they will help determine which systems will work best for your needs.

A75-104 Sine Wave Anemometer – Efficient for outside temperatures between -67 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit, humidity levels from 0 to 100 percent, and gust survival wind speeds of 214 miles per hour, this anemometer is exceptional. The electrical output signal increases linearly with wind speed.

A75 101 Reed Switch Anemometer

A75 302 Wind Vane

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New Hampshire USA, 03285
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