Monday, May 29, 2017

Reasons for Using Air Temperature and Humidity Sensors

Most experts believe that air temperature and humidity sensors were the first tools used to measure meteorological parameters. Today, these sensors are commonly used within an Automatic Weather Station. For temperature, a resistive thermal device is typically used.For humidity, measurements are taken using a humidity sensitive condenser.

Air Temperature versus Relative Humidity

Some variation in air temperature is cyclic, to include the Earth’s orbit around the sun and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, or PDO motion. When air temperature changes, a number of things are impacted, such as the productivity of plant life, cycles of animal life, sources of food, habitats, migrations, patterns of weather, and sea levels.

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Contact Details:
202 Tamarack Road, Thornton,
New Hampshire USA, 03285
Phone No: 603-726-7502

What Are Wind Speed Anemometers?

As the name suggests, wind speed anemometers are used to measure the speed of wind. This commonly used weather station instrument provides important information used by scientists, meteorologists, and others. The word “anemometer” comes from a Greek word meaning “wind.”
According to officials, Leon Battista Alberti first used the term “wind speed anemometer” in 1450. Since that time, the actual design has undergone very little change. Reportedly, Alberti was the inventor, although a number of others, including the Mayans and Robert Hooke, developed their own version of the instrument.

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Contact Details:
202 Tamarack Road, Thornton,
New Hampshire USA, 03285
Phone No: 603-726-7502