Monday, May 29, 2017

Reasons for Using Air Temperature and Humidity Sensors

Most experts believe that air temperature and humidity sensors were the first tools used to measure meteorological parameters. Today, these sensors are commonly used within an Automatic Weather Station. For temperature, a resistive thermal device is typically used.For humidity, measurements are taken using a humidity sensitive condenser.

Air Temperature versus Relative Humidity

Some variation in air temperature is cyclic, to include the Earth’s orbit around the sun and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, or PDO motion. When air temperature changes, a number of things are impacted, such as the productivity of plant life, cycles of animal life, sources of food, habitats, migrations, patterns of weather, and sea levels.

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Contact Details:
202 Tamarack Road, Thornton,
New Hampshire USA, 03285
Phone No: 603-726-7502

What Are Wind Speed Anemometers?

As the name suggests, wind speed anemometers are used to measure the speed of wind. This commonly used weather station instrument provides important information used by scientists, meteorologists, and others. The word “anemometer” comes from a Greek word meaning “wind.”
According to officials, Leon Battista Alberti first used the term “wind speed anemometer” in 1450. Since that time, the actual design has undergone very little change. Reportedly, Alberti was the inventor, although a number of others, including the Mayans and Robert Hooke, developed their own version of the instrument.

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Contact Details:
202 Tamarack Road, Thornton,
New Hampshire USA, 03285
Phone No: 603-726-7502

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Pros and Cons of Using a Handheld Weather Device Outdoors

For the most part, there are far more advantages of using a handheld weather meter for outdoor use than there are disadvantages. However, to fully understand both angles of handheld weather instruments, a list of pros and cons is provided. Even if you are on the fence about buying a compact weather device, the information provided will show just how beneficial it is.

Pros of Handheld Weather Instruments

handheld weather device
The fact that these instruments cover a broad range of applications is one positive aspect. As an example, the appropriate handheld weather device is beneficial to construction workers and window washers on high platforms, outdoor tent and event providers, fountain control technicians, emergency responders and others. Many jobs that include outdoor work will benefit from handheld weather device.

Another pro of handheld weather instruments is their design. These devices are compact, easy to use and provide valuable information on various types of weather conditions. This means that you get a full report when making critical decisions.

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Contact Details:
202 Tamarack Road, Thornton,
New Hampshire USA, 03285
Phone No: 603-726-7502

Thursday, March 16, 2017

5 Things About Air Temperature Transmitters That You Definitely Want to Know

Many people think they know everything there is to know about air temperature transmitters. However, due to advanced technology and design concepts, there are a wider variety of temperature transmitter types, which means more information to gather. If you are in the market for an air temperature transmitter, it is definitely to your advantage to spend time researching all of the different options. You may be surprised at what you learn.

air temperature transmitters

Insight into Air Temperature Transmitters

Among the many different types of transmitters, some are designed to capture information about air temperature only. However, some products on the market also capture information about humidity. A perfect example is the Comptus A70-HT Humidity and Air Temperature Transmitter. Not only does this product work with electronic data collection systems, it can be combined with a meter relay for customized controls.

Contact Details:
202 Tamarack Road, Thornton,
New Hampshire USA, 03285
Phone No: 603-726-7502

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How to Be a Weather Watcher: Our Top Tips

high-speed wind alarm
Weather watchers are people who keep track of the weather. This is something done as a hobby, when planning activities, and as a profession. Regardless, watching the weather is exciting, rewarding, and in many instances, necessary. Because weather is always changing, weather watchers use different tools like a wind meter, high-speed anemometers, a high-speed wind alarm, and so on.

Getting Involved as a Weather Watcher

If you need reliable weather information, the following tips will help you succeed. As a weather watcher, you will capture information, including site-specific wind, location-specific wind conditions, wind speed, and more. With the right wind meter, you even have the ability to create detailed wind mapping reports. 

With advances in technology, one of the best ways to become a weather watcher is by using a high-speed anemometer along with a downloadable smartphone app. Especially when on the go, this will keep you informed of potentially bad weather. Although you have multiple options, one company in particular stands out. For wind speed, Comptus offers two anemometers that plug directly into an Android or iOS smartphone. Both the WINDmeter and WEATHERmeter are remarkably accurate and dependable. 

Contact Details: 
202 Tamarack Road, Thornton,
New Hampshire USA, 03285 
Phone No: 603-726-7502 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Why a Portable Wind Meter or Pocket Weather Meter Is an Essential Tool in Outdoors Jobs

A portable wind meter, also referred to as a pocket weather meter, is a type of wind transmitters used for various reasons and by many different people. For anyone who works outdoors, this tool is indispensable. For checking maximum wind gust, wind speed, wind direction and location, and more, a handheld anemometer is used by fire fighters, pilots, construction workers, window washers, and more. 

High Performance and Safety 

Although a handheld wind sensor is often used for recreational, novice, and professional sports, it is also something that professionals rely on. For someone who works as an instructor, training pilot or boat captain or in a similar profession, this type of meter leads to success and safety. 

Contact Details: 
202 Tamarack Road, Thornton, 
New Hampshire USA, 03285 
Phone No: 603-726-7502 